La Pronunciamento

I am Sheba

I am Queen

I am of the royal house of Felinus Africanus.

The progenitors in my family line

Are tigers, lions, cheetahs, pumas,

Panthers, saber-toothed tigers and

House cats, etc., etc., and et al.

I preside alone on my royal throne!

You slobbering plebians

Must now stand back!

Or my loyal royal guard

Will surely attack!

In my great wisdom,

I will use my power

At any time and every hour!

To do my very best,

To set your minds at rest.

All you must now do,

Is observe my many laws,

And work hard all day

With all your strong paws!

I am Sheba

I am Queen

I am Cat!

Aside (“fancy that!”)

— Astrid C.

Surprised by Love | a poem by Astrid C.

A look — a quick glance,

An uncertain smile.

Things in common.

It was a lovely chat.

I must go home now.

Maybe we’ll meet again.

Call me when you can.

A quiet walk together,

On the roaring seashore.

A beautiful spring day!

Nature’s come alive!

We hold hands, then

Watch the sun go down.

The very first kiss.

I’ll miss you, darling.

I think I love you!

I love you too!

Surprised by love!

— Astrid C.

O Lord Our Shepherd | a poem by Astrid C.

Lord, I am a little newborn lamb,

Of Your green beautiful pasture Lord.

When I hear Your voice calling us together,

My heart leaps with joy and thankfulness.

For You are our guardian and protector!

You always stand against the ravenous

Wolves when they suddenly appear!

The frightened sheep see their glaring eyes,

And shrink back and run to Your safety.

But the fierce wolves wait for you to turn aside.

But thankfully You will never do such a thing!

These hell’s creatures cannot defeat one like You.

You are the prince of glory and with

One spoken word you bring death to them.

Then you continue to always watch over us,

Not willing that any of Your flock should perish.

Afterwards You lead us to even greener pastures,

Where we flourish, and by the still waters.

You always know where each one of us are,

Because none of us wander far from You.

We love You, for You are our Good Shepherd,

And You lead all the flock on the right path!

— Astrid C.

Do You Know Me? | a poem by Astrid C.

I am your best friend.

I love you and all mankind.

I sacrificed Myself for you.

I know everything about you.

I know your highs and lows.

I even know when you’re not

Certain of how you should go.

I have a wonderful plan for your life.

I have made a home for you in glory.

I made you to be with us forever.

I paid the eternal price for your sins.

I sent the Holy Spirit to help you.

I am the One who called you.

I am the Alpha and Omega.

The beginning and the end.

Do you know Me?

I am Jesus Christ – the Son of my Father God!

— Astrid C.

Peace and Quiet | a poem by Astrid C.

Peace is more than being quiet.

Quiet has its place in our busy day.

Quiet is spending time with my cats.

Quiet is not hearing bad news.

Quiet is enjoying a beautiful symphony.

Quiet is looking out upon a still lake.

Quiet is not hearing the troubles of others.

Quiet is having the time to complete a thought.

Quiet is not hearing the noise of the road.

Quiet is the silence of new-fallen snow.

Quiet is the stars of heaven that twinkle.

Quiet is the night before we sleep.

But peace is very different and different for us.

Peace is Jesus Christ — the Prince of Peace!

— Astrid C.

In Gratitude | a poem by Astrid C.

In gratitude to

My Savior dear.

My heart shall sing

A brand new song.

Jesus, my Lord and God

Taught me to fear

My sinful doing of wrong.

Thy commandments

To me are very law.

I desire them more

Than earthly pleasures.

Thy grace and mercy

Is what I truly treasure!

Thy Word is the light

To show us the way.

And Thy love for us

Is beyond all measure!

Every precious word

That proceeds from Thee —

Is ever faithful and true

To one redeemed by you!

— Astrid C.

My Pleasant Company | a poem by Astrid C.

Hello Mr. Robin please spare some time,

And come to visit me and dine.

Good morning Mrs. Blue Jay

Please come for tea next Monday.

You sparrows such a happy little bunch,

I’ll schedule you all for a brunch.

You crows, your chatter is so loud,

So socially minded and overly proud.

The whippoorwill, you sing with a will,

Before the evening turns into chill

Chickadees, your courage is so very real.

I’d invite you to take any meal!

I sit at my window with a muffin and egg.

Please come, make me not have to beg!

So many birds pass by my window pane,

And whoever, they’re all fed the same.

I only exchange some bread and seed,

For the pleasant company you all give me!

–Astrid C.

The Glorious Wonder | a poem by Astrid C.

I like quietly to sit

And watch the flowers grow.

All the profuse variety of

Colors row upon pretty row.

It perhaps a butterfly

Or a busy bee I would spy —

I would welcome them both

With a warm friendly “Hi!”

Or maybe funny whirly-bugs,

Or the glowing fireflies bright,

All part of God’s great goodness

In a creation he made right!

Even if the birds lite here

To watch his nature’s show.

There is one certain thing

Man, beast or bird can know.

All is part of His perfect design.

To show the glorious wonder,

Of our own Savior Jesus Divine!

–Astrid C.