Welcome to Poetry by Astrid.

“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” – Martin Luther

I’m a storyteller, a truth-speaker, and a Jesus-follower. I’m Astrid, and I believe that words have the power to change the world. And so, I pick up my pen.

I am fully convinced that the art of stringing just the right words together can evoke emotion, spark conversation, inspire hope, and point people to Christ. And with these poems that I pour my heart and soul into, I strive to do just that.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you’ll follow along.

– Astrid C.

Latest Poems

La Pronunciamento

I am Sheba I am Queen I am of the royal house of Felinus Africanus. The progenitors in my family line Are tigers, lions, cheetahs, pumas, Panthers, saber-toothed tigers and House cats, etc., etc., and et al. I preside alone on my royal throne! You slobbering plebians Must now stand back! Or my loyal royal…

Surprised by Love | a poem by Astrid C.

A look — a quick glance, An uncertain smile. Things in common. It was a lovely chat. I must go home now. Maybe we’ll meet again. Call me when you can. A quiet walk together, On the roaring seashore. A beautiful spring day! Nature’s come alive! We hold hands, then Watch the sun go down.…

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